About Joanna

Born in Canada, my family emigrated to Poland when I was seven. My father was a known scientist who had worked with Albert Einstein and co-authored with him the book “The Evolution of Physics.” Growing up in a communist country, devastated by the Second World War, taught me a lot about human suffering and the indomitability of the human spirit.

In search of greater personal freedom I emigrated to Great Britain in 1974 where my spiritual journey really began. There I met my husband and partner, David Price Francis. Together we decided to emigrate to Canada and start a human development school, sharing our knowledge and experience. We established three centers of learning in Canada: one in downtown Toronto, one an hour north of the city which became a center for weekend gatherings and meditation and one further north near North Bay where we organized spiritual workshops and retreats.

In 2003 we moved to the United States where we helped establish an intentional community in rural Tennessee. Today we live in New York and are co-founders of EnergyWorlds, a coaching, consulting and training organization, teaching people about the human energy field and how subtle energies are associated with all our actions, thoughts, feelings and desires.

In these changing times we believe the energy worlds of the planet are becoming more charged and people are becoming more sensitive to the energies that surround them. Many people are beginning to listen to their intuition and instinct, searching for the path that will enable them to develop their genius and dedicate themselves to what gives them joy and happiness.

We are currently developing a certification program for EnergyWorlds Practitioners, a network of people who wish to incorporate deeper knowledge about universal energies into their practices and daily lives.

I am also co-founder of Ceremonies With Meaning, helping people design their own unique ceremonies. My role in this is to help people incorporate new and traditional language, symbology, color and deeper spiritual meaning within the important ceremonies of their life, such as weddings, births, solstice celebrations, farewell parties and many more.

Joanna’s Books:

Joanna’s appearances abroad:

UN, Kenya




With Arab and Israeli women in the Galilee



Florida, 2007

Wales, 2007

Australia, 2008

New Zealand, 2008

Seneca Falls, 2008

Tennessee, 2008

Conducting a birth ceremony


At the UN, 2009

Woodstock, 2010

Important links:


Short Bio